Business operations and support services for clinicians

Business operations and support for Clinicians.

We take care of your business, so you can take care of your patients.

Happy woman at work

The truth is you’re a highly trained Clinician, not an Accountant, IT, HR, Facilities or Purchasing specialist…

You, or your people, might be struggling with:

You’re not alone. You probably only hear from your Bookkeeper or
Accountant when it’s time to approve the payroll, VAT return or, worse still, at the end of the year when it’s tax return time.

It shouldn’t be like that.  You pay for a service and support, not just admin’.  

When we do your day-to-day books and accounts we create a dashboard that is beautiful, functional and impactful that conveys information accurately and efficiently.

This makes it easy for you to gain insights quickly and easily. 

HR is a minefield.  The rules change constantly and you can easily find yourself with a claim against you – even if you thought you were doing the right thing and being fair.

We manage hiring to retiring, and everything inbetween so you don’t have to.

You have a different contact for everything from your boiler through to your Ultrasound. If a critical piece of equipment goes down, your practice is offline and you are not serving your patients and you’re not getting paid.

Why not have just one number to call?  We will handle everything and get you back up and running ASAP.

We know you are constantly challenged by the demands of your practice.  You don’t need the added demands of coping with continuous changes in technology, regulations and threats.

We provide all your IT cover and support.  It’s just one less thing for you to worry abut.

Where do you start when it comes to improving the day-to-day running of your practice? We suggest you actually start by first deciding what it is you want to acheive – reduced waiting times for patients, more patients in one day, higher profits or even the sale of your practice?

Depending on what you want to acheive dictates where you start when it comes to improving practice operations.

We’ve been improving operations for over 20 years for the single site business to the stockmarket listed global giant.

Book a call and start the conversation..

This one is like your home or car insurance. If you don’t shop
around then your existing suppliers slowly increase their
prices without you really paying attention. They rely on you being too busy to have the time to shop around. And that includes buying groups.

You’ve got purchasing power, we can show you how to use it, or do it for you.

Burnout & isolation are not part of your job description. Are you running your practice or is it running you?
Warning energy low

You want your life back, but you’re not sure where to start…

Here’s how we help using our simple 3 step plan:







A team searching through data

Step 1:

Review and benchmark your practice

By the end of this process, you’ll understand clearly:

  • What you want to achieve
  • What you should keep doing
  • What others should do for you
  • How much time this will free up for you

We found a major risk with our Practice Management System contract

Jane D – Practice Manager

Our contract didn’t protect us if we or the supplier were hacked. Lee renegotiated with our supplier and the updated contracts gives us peace of mind.

Step 2:

Design your new ways of working

A professionally tailored and realistic plan for your practice

  • A clear, actionable and trackable plan with times to deliver by
  • The key performance indicators to keep you on track
  • Personalised dashboards with everything in one place

Get really smart about how you do stuff

John D – Practice Manager
Lee helped us see where we were doing things we didn’t need to, supported us in getting new things going and showed us where we needed to carry on. We’re looking forward to the next phase where we fine tune it and then automate

Step 3:

Implement and optimise

Clarity on what and why you’re doing, how to measure it and keep it going

  • Your plan will contain the steps needed to make the changes
  • We provide continuous monitoring and support to keep improving
  • We’ll give you and your team the education and training needed for your new ways of working

Taking control and getting your life back

Jane D – Veterinary Surgeon and Practice Owner
Lee worked with me to find out what I really needed to keep my eye on – the real Key Performance Indicators that showed how my practice was doing. And then he designed a dashboard for me that I can monitor in real time. Absolutely game changing.

Let us help you break free and get back to doing what you love.

Book a call with us and reconnect with why you
became a Clinician in the first place.